June 15, 2016


7 Tools That Should Be in Your Car Glove Box.  Road trip season is here! And while you may have stocked yourself an emergency kit for the trunk of your car, you can also use your glove compartment to store a few handy items.

It’s called a glove box, so will definitely work well for your gloves, and here are 6 additional items that you should always keep in your glove compartment.

1. Electrical Tape  – This is great for repairing a ruptured hose in a pinch, or a child’s ripped jeans. And I’m sure you can find other uses for it as well!

2.  Pocket knife – Nothing fancy is needed here, just get yourself a basic pocket knife.  It has a multitude of uses, not only in emergencies, but also to open tightly wrapped packages, or even to serve as a cheese knife for an impromptu car picnic. 

3.  Mini flashlight – Like your pocket knife, a mini flashlight has many uses, including enabling you to see into the far corners under the hood that will be shaded, even during daylight hours.

4.  Pencil or pen and small notepad –  I can’t tell you how many times I have found myself needing to copy down a phone number in an emergency situation, leave a note on my windshield, draw a picture, or take notes of many kinds.  One may not think of a pen and paper as a tool, but I certainly do.

5. Slip-joint pliers can fit around most nuts and bolts.  These are handy to have on hand.

6.  Screwdriver with reversible Phillips/flathead bit.  You’ll want to have something small and compact here.

7.  Gloves! It’s downright uncomfortable to make any sort of repair with cold hands, whether it be under the hood or changing a flat tire. And in addition to keeping your hands warm, they’ll keep your hands clean!

by Leah Bolden, See Jane Drill, Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved