5 Groundbreaking Tips for Securing House Safety

Contributed by Randolph Hoover

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One thing that we all homeowners can agree on is making sure that we can provide our families a secure home, and that we all can sleep  much better with the assurance that even during at night, there is no chance an intruder can invade our home and disrupt our sense of security.

And as Christmas time sets in, expect that you will hear more news about burglaries and thefts on your tvs and radios. Here are some of the groundbreaking tips that you need to take note of and implement in your own home.

Tip #1: Do not let them know you are away.

The first thing a person will notice straight away when someone is not home is when the house doesn’t have any lights on. It obviously screams “No one is currently occupying this house!”, which is a dead giveaway and an easy target for burglars. Make sure to leave at least one light on when you leave your house.

Tip #2:  Set up a lock system.

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Make sure that it would be very difficult for burglars to break in to your home. Aside from your normal front door, back door, and garage door locks, also set up some locks in very obvious openings and predictable entrances, such as sliding patio doors. Motion sensors are highly recommended, since motion-sensing security lights will activate if it senses and detect someone. This usually startles common thieves and burglars.

Tip #3: Landscape properly

Manage your landscape with your safety in mind. It doesn’t matter if you have the most visually appealing front lawn in the whole neighborhood, if a burglar can easily hide in your thick bushes and then break in when everybody is asleep, right? Make sure that your whole property doesn’t have a blind spot that someone can easily use as a hiding place, and clear away those overgrown trees and shrubs.

Tip #4: Do not advertise all your belongings or new purchases.

We all know that floor to wall windows are highly desired in terms of interior design, but also keep in mind the furniture and equipment that will be on full display. If you can draw the blinds, use drapes, shades, and window treatments that are effective in blocking the view of your whole room.  Of course, the downside to this is that it is also difficult to see outside. Be smart on how you can hide your view and secure your privacy. And if you have new belongings purchased, don’t just leave these on display for everyone to see. Make sure to be smart about how you can quickly move the new item into your home and away from prying eyes.

Tip #5: Install a home security alarm system.

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Home security alarm systems can help with making your home more difficult to break in to. This therefore decreases the chance that your home will be a potential target for burglars. This is one thing you should put in your front yard for all to take notice. If your home is protected, then burglars may not consider your home as their next target. In addition, get to know your neighbors. The best security to have is your own neighbors who will look out for you, as you will for them.

There you have it, five tips in securing your house safely. Cheers to making sure that our families live in a safe and secure home!

Author Bio

Randolph Hoover and his family were originally from San Diego California, but he is currently studying Business Administration in Umea University in Sweden. Aside from being a student, he also helps his parents with their home maintenance business in their home in Umea. He is also one of the marketing guys for Tagaytay Highlands.