December 18, 2015 A Leather Glove BAKED to Perfection

flylow ridge glove pic
When See Jane Drill learned about a leather, winter glove that is BAKED in an oven, that’s right, we said BAKED, it got our attention!

The folks at Flylow Gear have been triple baking their Tough Guy Gloves and Ridge Gloves since 2005. It’s a process where each glove is hand-coated in beeswax (waterproofing) not once, but twice! And then it is triple baked in an oven.

The process of individually waterproofing each glove results in an extra durable leather glove that is extremely warm in frigid temperatures, and the gloves remain flexible for outstanding dexterity. So, if you’re someone who spends a lot of time outside working in freezing temperatures, and you’re looking for a cold weather glove that is less restrictive and clumsy, this is a product worth checking out.

by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved