May 11, 2015

drywall anchors

Which Hollow Wall Anchor Should I Use?.  Watch this video for an introduction to hollow wall anchors (aka drywall anchors), including an overview of how they work. 

We show you which anchors work best for hanging various items on drywall, from pictures to shelves to mirrors and more.  We show you how to use common plastic anchors with screws and hooks, self-tapping anchors, molly bolts, drill toggles (aka zip toggles) and strap toggle bolts (also called snap toggle bolts). 

Learn which type of fasteners work best for which application. There are some that are better for light duty, and others that work well hanging heavier items.

We also give you a unique view into what the back of your drywall wall looks like. You can see some of these anchors in action from the back of the wall!

You can do this!

by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved