Ice cubes have some handy uses around the house, beyond first aid and for cooling drinks (including your dog’s water bowl in the summertime!) Here are our top 5 favorite alternative uses for ice cubes:
1. Garbage Disposal Cleaner – Put a bunch of ice cubes in your garbage disposal, and then throw in about a half cup of baking soda. Turn on the disposal and let it do its thing. Voila, a clean AND odor-free garbage disposal!
2. Coffee Pot and Vase Cleaner – Just throw some ice cubes and salt into either of these vessels, and swirl it around. The ice and salt create the just the right amount of gentle abrasion to clean the glass.
3. Chewing Gum Remover – This oldie-but-goody of a trick is still as useful as ever. In addition to removing gum from clothing, it will also work for removing gum from the floor, or even from the inside of the car!
4. Watering Hanging Plants – Have trouble reaching those beautiful hanging baskets of annuals on the front porch? Just throw in some ice cubes and let them melt. This works for pretty much any hanging plant.
5. The DIY Air Conditioner – Living in the Pacific Northwest, where air conditioners aren’t as common as in other parts of the country, we have to get creative when the mercury soars. One of our favorite ways to cool off is to put a large bowl of ice cubes in front of the fan and sit directly in front of it…blissful!
by See Jane Drill
Copyright 2018, All Rights Reserved
I use them to remove furniture dents in carpeting.
good idea!
I like how you say that putting a bowl of ice cubes in front of a fan and sitting in front of that is a great way to cool off. My heating and cooling are on the fritz right now, so the kids and I need a way to cool down. Finding ice somewhere and doing your tip would really help us.