February 16, 2016 How to Install a Peephole in Your Front Door

doorviewer pic

Have you ever wondered how to install a peephole (aka door viewer) in the door to your home?  Or perhaps you already have a peephole in your front door, but you have children in the house, and want to put one in at their eye level.  

Installing a peephole is a surprisingly simple task that nearly anyone can do, and the job only takes about 10 minutes.  The tools and materials you will need are:

  • Peephole (usually labeled as a “door viewer” at the hardware store)
  • Power drill (cordless or corded)
  • Small drill bit for the pilot hole
  • A drill bit that is the appropriate size to accommodate the diameter of the peephole/door viewer
  • A flat tool, such as a putty knife

You can do this!

by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved