
January 6, 2015  Winter Storm Preparedness Tips

There is still plenty of winter time left this season. So if you haven’t already done so, it would be a good idea to prepare for future winter storms now. That way, when you see in the weather forecast that a storm is approaching, you can rest easy, knowing that you and your family are prepared.

Storm preparedness doesn’t have to be expensive or complex. Having the basics in place is a great start. Here are the 3 key areas to focus on now:

  1. Put together an emergency preparedness kit. This is essential, and should include enough food and water for 3 days for each person in your household, a hand-cranked lighting source, and other survival essentials that might be specific to your family, such as baby supplies, pet supplies, and medicines.  Click Here for a complete list of emergency essentials from the Red Cross.
  2. Prepare your vehicle. This is an often overlooked step in emergency preparedness. Make sure your gas tank is close to full, which will help to keep the fuel line from freezing. Check batteries, tire pressure, and antifreeze. Keep a small emergency preparedness kit in your car. A good way to store this kit is in a backpack, in case you have to abandon your car for some reason.
  3. Prepare your home for the storm.  This step will depend upon where you live, what kind of storm is coming, and how much winter preparation your have already done on your home. The basics include installing storm windows or covering windows with plastic and knowing where your gas and water line shutoffs are. If you are going to be leaving your home during the storm, set the thermostat to no lower than 55 degrees to help keep pipes from freezing.

A little preparedness will go a long way towards increasing your peace of mind in the event of a winter storm!

by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved