What is a Paint Mitt? If you don’t know what a paint mitt is, you’re not alone. It is a handy painting tool that slips over your hand like, well, a mitt! It is built with a moisture-proof plastic lining which allows the wearer to submerge their gloved hand into a container of paint or stain, and then use the thick, absorbent fabric-covered mitt to apply paint to challenging surfaces or tight areas.
The paint mitt is perfect for painting shaped or curved surfaces, and/or tight areas where using a brush alone would be difficult and time consuming. Here are some examples of where using a paint mitt on your diy project can save you loads of time and effort:
- Staircase spindles
- Fencing
- Wrought iron
- Pipes
- Radiator
- Columns
- Railings
Basically, you can use the paint mitt in any place you thought might be unreachable or too awkwardly shaped to easily apply paint. An additional diy benefit is that it is a great tool for faux finishing for creating texture, depth and special effects. And it only costs about $5 for a cheaper version to about $18 for a lambskin model. Get the lambskin type if you are very concerned about fuzz being left behind when you paint.
So, when the artist in you has something to say, a paint mitt just might be the answer!
by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved
Would you use this when painting behind a toilet? That is always the hardest place for me to get to, and it always looks awful!
Hi Keri, I wouldn’t use a paint mitt for this application. What you should use is a small roller, also called a “hot dog” roller. It is designed specifically for those types of situations.
Keri, always put a trash bag over the tank then use the smallest roller you can find. It will fit perfectly behind there. After it dries then take off bag. No fuss or muss.
Thanks, Renee, for responding! Good advice!