April 24, 2015

Friday Find: Natural Sea Sponge.


This week’s Friday Find is inspired by Earth Week. A natural sea sponge is the workhorse of DIY-ers and crafters, and in fact it doesn’t really stop there.  They also make a great natural choice for baby care, and for adults to apply cosmetics. They are a very hygienic item. Here is why we chose the sea sponge to represent earth week:

They are absolutely 100% natural, completely biodegradable, and they emit no harmful chemicals or synthetic particles of any kind into the environment. When they are harvested by hand, environmentally-focused companies purposely leave the base of the sponge intact, so that the original sea sponge can grow back fuller and stronger than before. Research has also shown that when harvested correctly, a sea sponge releases thousands of tiny spores back onto the ocean floor, which promotes the growth of new sponge colonies.

As for how they can be used around your house, here are just a few ideas:

  • Window washing 
  • Car washing
  • Pet hygiene,
  • Cleaning vinyl upholstery
  • Decorative painting and texturing

Sponges are also superior to their synthetic counterparts for cleaning chores for many reasons. For one, natural sponges contain enzymes that suppress odors, as well as the production of bacteria and mold. Secondly, natural sponges last much longer than synthetic sponges which makes them economical as well. And nothing holds water like a natural sea sponge!

By See Jane Drill, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved