Mechanic in a Bottle. (Note: We talked about the product “Mechanic in a Bottle” towards the end of last summer. The thing is, now, springtime, is the time when you might need it most, so we thought it was worth mentioning again.)
Memorial Day is right around the corner, and most likely you are getting ready to start working on your yard and garden again, if you haven’t already done so.
When lawnmowers and other power tools sit for long periods of time, sometimes they just aren’t going to start easily, even if you make the effort of draining the gas tank and adding fresh gasoline, adding oil, and making sure your spark plugs are in good shape.
Enter Mechanic in a Bottle. This product is designed to fix poor or non-running 2-cycle and 4-cycle engines, without having to remove the carburetor. I picked some up last summer because I was intrigued by the name. As it turned out, I needed to use it on a lawnmower that had been in storage for over a year, and guess what? It worked like a charm.
So before you give up on trying to start up that old lawnmower, be sure to give “Mechanic in a Bottle” a try. You, like me, might find that it is really more like “Genie in a Bottle”.
By Leah Bolden
See Jane Drill, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved
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