November 13, 2014

How to Jump Start a Car for Beginners. Most of us who drive regularly know that we should carry jumper cables, and we know that we should know how to use them, but, many of us don’t!  And so, there’s always that worry in the back of your mind, especially when you are driving in the winter time…  What if your car doesn’t start?  Will you be stranded, or get stuck waiting in the cold for roadside assistance?  Or, what if the friend or family member that you call to give you a jump start is available to come out to meet you, but, they don’t have jumper cables either and/or don’t know how to use them?

You can nip this potential problem in the bud in 2 easy steps:

1.  Purchase a set of jumper cables and keep them in your trunk!  We recommend getting cables that are at least 16 feet in length, in the event that the other car (that is providing the jump start) can’t park right up against your car for some reason.

2.  Learn how to jump start a car!  Seriously, folks, it is not a difficult skill to learn at all.  And contrary to the belief of some, you are unlikely to blow up your car if you make a mistake.  It is just a matter of knowing the steps of jump starting a car.  And Leah lays them out for you, step-by-step, in the video below, and in the attached written instructions.  Watch the video, and then print out the written instructions and throw them in your glove compartment.  If you need to, you can always review the instructions on your phone, should you be stuck with a car that won’t start some time this winter. 

Drive in confidence, knowing that you are prepared, should your car not start. And know that if you call someone to come and give you a jump start, you can say with pride that you not only have jumper cables, and but you also know how to do a jump start on your car!

You Can Do This!

by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved


Click HERE for link to written instructions