Fastest Way to Install Metal Hook in Wood
Planning to install hanging planters on your porch, or around your deck this year? Here is the fastest way imaginable to install a metal (screw-in) hook in wood. Never struggle installing a metal hook in wood (or drywall or plaster) by hand ever again! Leah from See Jane Drill demonstrates a simple, quick tip, using a power drill and an eye hook to install a metal hook quickly and easily.
Later on, if you want to remove the metal hook, you simply get out your power drill again, and use the same technique, only with the drill in reverse mode.
This technique is especially helpful if you are installing big, beefy metal hooks that are going to need to hold a lot of weight…such as for a hanging planter, or for hanging tools and other heavy items in a shop or garage. Even very large, thick hooks with deep threads can be installed in a matter of seconds with this method!
by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved
Great tip. Much better than using a pliers and bending the hook as I have done!
Another way I’ve done this is with a long screwdriver inserted through the hook. The leverage helps turn the hook easily. This only works if you have the clearance on all sides though – the drill would work anywhere : )
Hi Julie, thanks for sharing that tip!