September 22, 2015 Planting Grass Seed in the Fall
If you live in the central to northern half of the United States, the best time to plant grass seed is between late August and early October. Why? First, keeping the grass seed moist won’t be a big problem, as it would be during the hot months of summer, when you would have to water almost constantly. Also, weed growth will be less likely as the weather gets colder.
The key is to get the seed into the ground after the hot season, but before the very cold season. Seeding too late can be a problem also, as the seeds may not germinate.
Follow the guidelines below for planting grass seed in the fall, and you will have a great chance of having a lush, beautiful lawn next spring!
- Plant seed when daytime temperatures are between 60 and 75 degrees F. This is when your soil temperature will be the optimum temperature for nurturing the seed (between 50 and 65 degrees F)
- Go with what is known as “cool season” grasses. Some of the names of these include Fescue (both Tall Fescue and Fine Fescue), Ryegrass, Bluegrass, and Bentgrass)
- Apply fertilizer when you first plant the grass seed, and then again about 3-4 weeks later
Tip: If the weather has become too cold (with temperatures consistently under 60 degrees during the day), wait until next spring to plant, to avoid problems with your lawn.
By See Jane Drill, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved
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