window-851498_640July 24, 2015 Glazing for Metal Windows

The See Jane Drill “Question of the Week” comes from a reader who was wondering about how to re-glaze metal windows.  He wanted to know if the process and materials used were the same as for wood windows:

Reader Question:

“Is it possible to use the same compound (as is used on wood windows) on metal windows? Or rather, windows with metal, instead of wood, surrounding them.

I would assume the technique for applying it would be the same?”

Our Answer:

Actually, metal windows require a different type of glazing compound, specifically engineered for that particular application. Here is a link to the product and its data sheet:   Glazing Product for Metal Windows 

As for the technique of applying it, that would be the same.

We hope this helps all of you who are planning on re-glazing your wood or metal windows this summer!

by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved