June 18, 2015 DIY Carpet Stain Cleaning
by James Javier
DIY Carpet Stain Cleaning
No matter how hard you try to keep your carpets clean, there’s no way that you’ll be able to keep them spotless forever. Whether those carpet stains are caused by your kids, pets, or just some messy guests, knowing your way around carpet cleaning will help keep those carpets looking good as new. Carpet cleaning Adelaide experts have these tips to share if you decide to take the DIY route.
Fight coffee and tea stains with beer
Dealing with coffee and tea stains may seem like an impossible task, but not if you have a bottle of beer nearby. To lift out the stains, simply pour a bit of beer on top and rub the carpet with a clean cloth. While most stains will already disappear on one go, be ready to repeat the process if you notice that there are still traces. Don’t worry about the beer smell because this eventually fades once the carpet dries.
Erase ink stains with cornstarch and milk
Ink stains on the carpets can make any grown person cry, but not if you have milk and cornstarch in your kitchen. To quickly erase ink stains from your carpets, mix a bit of cornstarch and milk to make a paste and apply to the stained area. Allow the paste to dry for a couple of hours before you brush off the residue with a toothbrush, and use a vacuum cleaner to sop up the mess. This cornstarch and milk mixture is also great for erasing oil and grease marks.
Remove red wine stains with salt
Red wine stains got you in a panic? Then quickly pour some water on to the stain to dilute the color, and sprinkle a generous helping of salt on the area. The salt will absorb the moisture, taking out the stain with it. Once the salt feels dry to the touch, it’s time to vacuum it up. You can also use this technique with greasy food stains, using alcohol instead of water as your diluting agent. Ketchup spills and gravy stains are no match for this quick and easy stain solution.
Use baby wipes for random spills
Random spills or pet accidents can quickly be remedied with a couple of baby wipes. Not only are they great for blotting excess liquid, but they can also quickly dilute and absorb stains from natural fiber carpets. Natural fiber carpets need extra care to maintain their color and original luster. While most of them are considered durable, using mild cleansers to deal with random spills is your best bet. If it’s safe enough for baby’s skin, then it should be fine even for the most delicate of carpets.
When all else fails, grab a bottle of vinegar
When it comes to stain removal, you can’t go wrong with a bottle of good old white vinegar. Just pour a teaspoon of it onto stains and you’ll see the marks fade before your very eyes. For darker stains, you can mix vinegar with salt, cornstarch, or borax to create a paste. Gently rub the paste into the stain using a clean piece of cloth and leave it to set for at least a day. Vacuum the dried up paste and check for any remaining marks. Repeat the process if you still see evident stain marks on your rug or carpet.
With these tried and tested tips, carpet cleaning can be a breeze. All you have to do is follow the instructions carefully and you won’t have to feel embarrassed about those old and stained carpets again. If you don’t exactly have the patience, time, or energy to deal with carpet stains yourself, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals instead. Check your local listings for a reliable carpet cleaner near you.
Author Bio:
James is a Designer, part-time blogger and a Marketing guy of a Carpet Cleaning Business in Adelaide, His research mostly consists of Home Decoration and Improvement, when he’s not busy sharing his insights in design, he usually spends his time with his family and friends.
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