July 21, 2015 How to Repair Large Cracks in an Asphalt Driveway.

Summer is the ideal time of year to make repairs to large cracks in your asphalt driveway.

Remarkably, this is a fairly simple job to do yourself, provided you follow the correct steps and take appropriate safety precautions. Just watch our step-by-step video to learn the best and easiest way to fix large cracks in your asphalt driveway or any other asphalt surface.  

The technique we show utilizes a rubberized asphalt crack filler, which comes in a rope-like coil. You can purchase the crack filler in two different sizes (or thicknesses.)  If the smaller size is still too big to fit in the crack in your asphalt, you can stretch the coil to narrow it so that it will fit.

 After cleaning the crack of all vegetation and as much dirt as possible, you then use a flat-head screwdriver or similar-sized tool to force the crack filler into the crack in the asphalt.  

Next, with a propane torch, you heat the crack filler, which will then liquefy and fill into all the nooks and crannies in the crack.  After about 15 minutes, the crack filler will harden, and you can either use your asphalt surface as is, or you can top it with a sealant.    

This fix may help you to save your asphalt driveway (and not have to replace it) and should last you for years to come!

You Can Do This!

by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2014, All Rights Reserved