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January 19, 2016  

Care to Share?  Send Us Your DIY Tips and Successes!

Have you completed a DIY project in your home that you would like to share with the See Jane Drill Community?  Or perhaps you have a special DIY trick that has been helpful to you, and you want to share it with others. Or maybe you are a great gardener, excellent interior decorator, clever at crafts, or have another DIY skill that other folks could benefit from learning about.

We want to hear from you!


You can contribute to See Jane Drill and share your knowledge with the community in any number of ways. For instance:

  • Pictures.  We love pictures!  Send us “before and after” pictures of a project you have completed, and we will post them on our Community Corner for all to see.  
  • Blurb or Article.  If you have a quick tip, by all means send it, and we can use it in a future article.  Or if you have knowledge of an entire subject, such as gardening or furniture refinishing, and would like to write an article or blog post about it, that would be great too.

Attention Writers and Bloggers!  We are happy to edit and post original articles on our site with an author’s bio and link to your blog or website.  We can even help you develop topics.

If you are interested in contributing to See Jane Drill, it’s easy to get started.  Just write to Karen:  karen@seejanedrill.com with your ideas and photos!

by See Jane Drill, Copyright 2016, All Rights Reserved